More on THE BLOOD. Part 1. by D.G Miles McKee

The Scriptures abound with allusions to the blood of Christ and show conclusively that no one but those who are cleansed with that blood can enter glory.The human heart is so deeply stained with sin, that, in order to get rid of sin, it clings to a thousand fake remedies.  It shouts with deafening silence, “Anything, anything but the blood of Christ.”  However, to trust in anything or anyone other than Christ and His precious blood is utterly redundant.Cleansing by the blood is the theme tune of God’s people.  The entire redeemed community in glory will sing with one voice “Thou art worthy, . . . for Thou . . . hast redeemed to God by Thy blood,” (Revelation 5:9).Let’s then briefly consider seven things that the Word of God says about the blood. May we all be spiritually enriched as we consider more about the blood of the Lord Jesus.  In this short series, we will notice that,1. It is precious blood.2. It is shed for many.3. It makes atonement.4. It is the means of remission.5. It is the ground of justification.6. It cleanses from all sin.7. It gives boldness before God. 

  1. It is precious blood. “Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1: 18-19).

We have just read God's own estimate of the blood.  He says, “It is precious.”  It was the blood of the man Christ Jesus, the God/man. It was the blood from the all-glorious One (Hebrews 1:3).  It was blood that was shed and designated to remove the filth of sin. It is precious to every believer. Christ has made peace through this blood (Colossians 1:20).  Only those who have realized their deep need and the uselessness of all human effort to get right with God know its preciousness. “Precious, precious blood of Jesus! Shed on Calvary; Shed for rebels, shed for sinners, Shed for me.” Is the blood precious to you? 2. The Blood Was Shed for Many.When Jesus instituted the supper on the night of His betrayal, He took the cup of wine, and, speaking figuratively, said, “This is My blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins (Matthew 29:28).” Need we say it? Our sins are not remitted through the Lord's Supper, but through the blood of which the wine is a picture. Jesus said that His blood is shed for "many.” What excellent words of comfort for the believer!  Back then, the Jewish people were privileged to have had the Old Covenant.  No other race on earth had this kind of favour, but now the blood of the Lamb avails for many.  Gentiles, as well as Jew, are included as beneficiaries of the New Covenant. No race is excluded. Out of every kindred, and tongue, people and nation we will yet see a multitude of people who have been redeemed by the blood (Revelation 5:9).Great sinners, little sinners, sinners of every nationality are welcome to trust in the blood that was shed for many. No matter how great your sin and guilt, apply for mercy. His blood was shed for many. Was the blood shed for you? 3 The Blood Makes Atonement.  “It is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul” (Leviticus 17:11).  If it is the blood of Christ that makes the atonement.  We can’t atone for our sins.  Since repetition is the price of learning let’s say again, the believer’s sins are already atoned for.  Once again, let’s observe how foolish and useless is every man-made effort to atone for sin. It is finished! Atonement has been made. Yet, in spite of the fact that the blood was shed, there are multitudes daily striving to meet the claims of God's holiness through their own religious efforts. But their endeavours are futile.  The scriptures plainly tell us, “They that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:8). Our puny little efforts to please God are, therefore, useless.  In ourselves, we are mudballs steeped in sin. We are so destroyed by sin that nothing but the blood of the Saviour can atone.Has He atoned for you? Hebrews 9:12 tells us, “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”  Redemption has already been accomplished.  Christ’s life was given at the cross, His blood was shed, and payment for sin was made.  It is finished! The moral and religious need the blood as well as the ungodly and depraved. The Jew had to bring his half-shekel of silver as an atonement (Exodus 30:11-16). But now there are no contributions we are required to bring, not even a penny.And do you want more good news?  There is no need to bring any kind of offering.  Why?  Because Christ has already offered Himself for us. What a sufficient offering.  His precious blood has been shed; atonement has been made. He is the propitiation (wrath offering) for the believer's sins.And that’s the Gospel Truth! …to be continued

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