Precious Promises

"But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, Who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption." -I Corinthians 1:30 [KJV]

Consider what heavenly blessings there are for those who have a living union with the Son of God. Everything is provided for them that shall be for their salvation and their sanctification: not a single blessing has God withheld that shall be for their eternal good.  

View them as foolish, ignorant, unable to see the way, puzzled and perplexed by a thousand difficulties, harassed by sin, tempted by Satan, far off upon the sea. How shall they reach the heavenly shore? God, by an infinite act of sovereign love, has made His dear Son to be their "wisdom," so that none shall err so as to err fatally; none shall miss the road for want of heavenly direction to find it or walk in it. Their glorious Head, Who is in heaven, is made of God unto them wisdom on earth to bring them to their heavenly inheritance. He opens up His word to their heart; He sends down a ray of light into their bosom, illuminating the sacred page and guiding their feet into the way of truth and peace. 

If they wander, He brings them back; if they stumble, He raises them up; and whatever be the difficulties that beset their path, sooner or later some kind direction or heavenly admonition comes from His gracious Majesty. Thus the wayfaring man, though a fool, does not err in the way of life, for his gracious Lord being his "wisdom" leads him safely along through every difficulty until He sets him before His face in glory. 

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 


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