更多关于宝血(之一) - More on The Blood, part III

 The Scriptures abound with allusions to the blood of Christ and show conclusively that no one but those who are cleansed with that blood can enter glory.

圣经充满了基督之血的典故,并确切地表明若不是宝血的洁净没有人能进入荣耀。The human heart is so deeply stained with sin, that, in order to get rid of sin, it clings to a thousand fake remedies.  It shouts with deafening silence, “Anything, anything but the blood of Christ.”  However, to trust in anything or anyone other than Christ and His precious blood is utterly redundant.人心被罪污染的如此严重,所以,为了摆脱罪,有上千种的骗人方式。它以震耳欲聋的方式叫嚣:“任何事,任何事,除了基督的宝血。”然而,除了基督和祂的宝血,信靠任何事或人都是无用的。Cleansing by the blood is the theme tune of God’s people.  The entire redeemed community in glory will sing with one voice “Thou art worthy, . . . for thou . . . hast redeemed to God by thy blood,” (Revelation 5:9). 用宝血得洁净是上帝子民的主旋律。整个被救赎的种群都要在荣耀里同唱:“你配……因你……用自己的血……叫他们归于上帝”(启示录5:9)。Let’s then briefly consider seven things that the Word of God says about the blood. May we all be spiritually enriched as we consider more about the blood of the Lord Jesus.  In this short series, we will notice that, 我们来简单地思考上帝话语中提及到宝血的七件事。当我们更多思考主耶稣基督的宝血时,愿我们都被圣灵充满。在这个小系列里,我们将注意到,1. It is precious blood.那是宝贵的血。2. It is shed for many.为众人流出。3. It makes atonement.做了赎价。4. It is the means of remission.替罪的方式。5. It is the ground of justification.成义的根基。6. It cleanses from all sin.洗净一切的罪。7. It gives boldness before God.在上帝面前坦然无惧。 
  1. It is precious blood. “Forasmuch as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Peter 1: 18-19).
 那是宝贵的血知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖宗所流传虚妄的行为,不是凭着能坏的金银等物。乃是凭着基督的宝血,如同无瑕疵无玷污的羔羊之血(彼得前书1:18-19)We have just read God's own estimate of the blood.  He says, “It is precious.”  It was the blood of the man Christ Jesus, the God/man. It was the blood from the all-glorious One (Hebrews 1:3).  It was blood that was shed and designated to remove the filth of sin. It is precious to every believer.我们刚刚读了上帝自己对血的评价。祂说:“宝血”。那是人子基督耶稣的血,神子/人子。那是从完全荣耀的那位流出(希伯来书1:3)。那是为去除罪的污秽而流。对每个信徒而言都是宝贵的。 Christ has made peace through this blood (Colossians 1:20).  Only those who have realized their deep need and the uselessness of all human effort to get right with God know its preciousness. 藉着这个宝血基督成就了和平(歌罗西书1:20)。只有那些深知自己的需要、知道所有人类尝试与上帝和好的努力都是无用的人知道血的宝贵。“Precious, precious blood of Jesus! Shed on Calvary; Shed for rebels, shed for sinners, Shed for me.” “耶稣宝贵的,宝贵的血!流在加略山;为悖逆者而流,为罪人而流,为我而流。”Is the blood precious to you?这个血对你来说是宝贵的吗? 2. The Blood Was Shed for Many.宝血为众人而流。When Jesus instituted the supper on the night of His betrayal, He took the cup of wine, and, speaking figuratively, said, “This is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins (Matthew 2:28).”当主耶稣在祂被卖的那夜安排晚餐时,祂举起酒杯,直白地说,“因为这是我立约的血,为多人流出来,使罪得赦”(马太福音26:28)。 Need we say it? Our sins are not remitted through the Lord's Supper, but through the blood of which the wine is a picture.需要我们说吗?我们的罪不是藉着主的晚餐去除,而是藉着葡萄汁所预表的血。 Jesus said that His blood is shed for many. What excellent words of comfort for the believer!  Back then, the Jewish people were privileged to have had the Old Covenant.  No other race on earth had this kind of favour, but now the blood of the Lamb avails for many.  Gentiles, as well as Jew, are included as beneficiaries of the New Covenant. No race is excluded.主耶稣说祂的宝血为众人流出。这对信徒来说是何等安慰的言语!回到当时,犹太人有拥有旧约的特权。世上任何其他民族都没有这个荣幸,但现在羔羊之血对众人适用。外邦人,和犹太人一样,都是新约的受益者。没有一个民族被排除之外。 Out of every kindred, and tongue, people and nation we will yet see a multitude of people who have been redeemed by the blood (Revelation 5:9).我们会看到在各族、各方、各民、各国中众人被宝血救赎出来(启示录5:9)。Great sinners, little sinners, sinners of every nationality are welcome to trust in the blood that was shed for many. No matter how great your sin and guilt, apply for mercy. His blood was shed for many. 重罪犯、小罪人、各国的罪人都被欢迎信靠那为众人流出的宝血。无论你的罪和愧疚有多大,都信靠恩典。祂的宝血为众人而流。 Was the blood shed for you?宝血是为你而流吗? 3 The Blood Makes Atonement.  “It is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul” (Leviticus 17:11). 宝血做了赎价。“这血可以为你们的生命赎罪”(利未记17:11)。If it is the blood of Christ that makes the atonement, we can’t atone for our sins.  Since repetition is the price of learning let’s say again, the believer’s sins are already atoned for.  Once again, let’s observe how foolish and useless is every man-made effort to atone for sin. It is finished! Atonement has been made.若基督的宝血做了赎价,我们就无法赎罪。重复是学习的代价,再说一遍:信徒的罪已经被赎了。再次,让我们看看人类所做的任何想要赎罪的努力是何等的愚昧及无用。已经成了!赎价已经有了。Yet, in spite of the fact that the blood was shed, there are multitudes daily striving to meet the claims of God's holiness through their own religious efforts. But their endeavours are futile.  The scriptures plainly tell us, “They that are in the flesh cannot please God” (Romans 8:8). Our puny little efforts to please God are, therefore, useless.  In ourselves, we are mudballs steeped in sin. We are so destroyed by sin that nothing but the blood of the Saviour can atone. 然而,虽然宝血已流,仍有很多人每天用自己的宗教努力去满足上帝圣洁的要求。但他们的努力都是白费。圣经明确告诉我们:“属肉体的人不能得上帝的喜欢”(罗马书8:8)。因此,我们可怜的微不足道的想要讨上帝喜欢的努力,都是无用的。就我们而言,我们是浸泡在罪里的混球。我们被罪如此的毁灭,除了基督的宝血可以救赎,别无他法。Has He atoned for you?基督为你做赎价了吗? Hebrews 9:12 tells us, “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.”  Redemption has already been accomplished.  Christ’s life was given at the cross, His blood was shed, and payment for sin was made.  It is finished!希伯来书9:12告诉我们:“并且不用山羊和牛犊的血,乃用自己的血,只一次进入圣所,成了永远赎罪的事。”救赎已经完成了。基督的生命在十字架上献出,祂的宝血已经流出,罪的代价已经付出。已经成了!The moral and religious need the blood as well as the ungodly and depraved. The Jew had to bring his half-shekel of silver as an atonement (Exodus 30:11-16). But now there are no contributions we are required to bring, not even a penny. 道德和宗教需要宝血,邪恶和堕落也需要宝血。犹太人要拿出半舍客勒银子做赎价(出埃及记30:11-16)。但现在不需要我们付出任何代价,哪怕只是一分钱。And do you want more good news?  There is no need to bring any kind of offering.  Why?  Because Christ has already offered Himself for us. What a sufficient offering.  His precious blood has been shed; atonement has been made. He is the propitiation (wrath offering) for the believer's sins.你想要更多好消息吗?不需要任何的祭物。为什么?因为基督已经为我们献出祂自己。足够的献祭。祂的宝血已经流出;赎价已经有了。祂是信徒罪的挽回祭(赎罪祭)。And that’s the Gospel Truth!以上是福音真理!…to be continued……未完待续


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