Incoming GOOD NEWS Report!

 Weekend Gospel message to follow for All Hands (25-27FEB22)

Heads-Up --- Please find enclosed encouragement in SO GREAT SALVATION by the perfect and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving poor, needy and wretched sinners by His sovereign free grace -God's unmerited favor- from our sins and from Hell:

"Salvation is wholly of grace, not only undeserved but undesired by us until God is pleased to awaken us to a sense of our need of it. And then we find everything prepared that our wants require or our wishes conceive; yea, that He has done exceedingly beyond what we could either ask or think. Salvation is wholly of the Lord and bears those signatures of infinite wisdom, power, and goodness which distinguish all His works from the puny imitations of men. It is every way worthy of Himself, a great, a free, a full, a sure salvation. It is great whether we consider the objects (miserable, hell-deserving sinners), the end (the restoration of such alienated creatures to His image and favor, to immortal life and happiness) or the means (the incarnation, humiliation, sufferings and death of His beloved Son). It is free, without exception of persons or cases, without any conditions or qualifications, but such as He, Himself, performs in them and bestows upon them." -John Newton (author of the hymn, Amazing Grace)

"Salvation is of the LORD" (Jonah 2:9c), entirely so, from beginning to end. It is God's "great salvation," in its origination, in its effectuation, in its application and in its consummation. Man contributes nothing to it whatsoever. All the Trinity are concerned and engaged in it. The Father is the Author of salvation from sin, Christ the Purchaser, the Spirt the Conveyor. It is the Father who begets the elect (James 1:17, 18); yet they are declared to be the "seed" of Christ (Isaiah 53:10), while they are "born" of the Spirit (John 3:6)." -excerpt from The Satisfaction of Christ, ch. xii, by Arthur W. Pink

"The gospel is no other than a pure promise, a free declaration of peace and pardon, righteousness, life, and salvation to poor sinners by Jesus Christ. The sum and substance of it is, that this is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1:15)." -excerpt from The Doctrine of Imputed Righteousness Without Works, by John Gill

Christ died for the UNGODLY” (Romans 5:6). God’s righteous grace comes to us through the law-honouring, justice-satisfying, sin-atoning Work of the Lord Jesus! Here, then, is the very essence of the Gospel: the proclamation of God’s amazing grace, the declaration of Divine bounty, altogether irrespective of human worth or merit. In the great Satisfaction of His Son, God has “brought near HIS righteousness” (Isaiah 46:13). -excerpt from The Doctrine of Justification, ch. vii, by Arthur W. Pink


"Storm Warning: Prove All Things" is a fifteen-minute Gospel broadcast each Saturday via WWCR on World Band/Short-Wave radio at 5.935 MHz (5935 KHz) at 18:00 Hours (6 PM) U.S. Central Time. The goal is to exalt Christ JESUS; to encourage His people and to warn all hands to flee to Him immediately.

This can also be heard ONLINE by going to WWCR(dot)com a few minutes prior to the broadcast. Click on "Listen Online." Then you’ll see transmitter “WWCR-2," underneath that click either Windows Media Player or MP3 player. A new window will open then click “Play.” If the broadcast goes silent “Refresh” the page and click again the Play button.
The LORD JESUS be magnified!


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