In CHRIST JESUS all His springs of dependence flow for His people

"And he was sore athirst, and called on the LORD, and said, Thou hast given this great deliverance into the hand of Thy servant: and now shall I die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?" -Judges 15:18 [KJV]

Here is a sweet thought, my soul, suggested in these words of Samson, and wilt thou not hope that the Holy Ghost may make it blessed to thy evening: meditation? The Lord had wrought a great deliverance for Samson, in the discomfiture of his enemies: and now on a renewed pressing occasion, he makes this the plea of looking up for being again delivered. "Thou hast given," saith he, "this great deliverance into the hand of Thy servant, and shall I now die for thirst, and fall into the hand of the uncircumcised?" As if he had said, "Shall my God cease to be God; or shall I now want His help, who hath always helped me in what has passed? Hath He begun to deliver; and will He now cease to do so?" Pause, my soul! And when thou hast duly made thine observations upon the blessedness of faith, which, when in lively exercise, always finds unanswerable arguments for future blessings, in the recollection of those that are passed, take the same plea to thy Jesus for every event which thou meetest with in thine exercises.  

Hath one like the Son of Man redeemed thee, brought thee out of the hands of infinite justice; given thee this great deliverance, from both the guilt and dominion of sin; taken thee into covenant relations with Himself; opened a new and living way for thee in His blood; and doth He ever live to keep it open by His intercession? Hath Jesus indeed saved thee, loved thee, blessed thee, given Himself for thee, and treasured up for thee a fulness of all needed supplies of grace for thy sojourning here; and is He gone before, to prepare an everlasting fulness of glory for thy enjoyment of Himself to all eternity hereafter? And shall any circumstance now befall thee in the way, to cast down thy hopes, and to lessen thy faith in such a Saviour? Shall any thing arise to frustrate His designs, or ruin thy cause? Is it possible, that any new evil, for which Jesus hath made no provision, can happen; or any unthought of, unexpected calamity arise, which shall counteract the covenant of redemption, "ordered in all things and sure?" Precious Lord Jesus! help me ever to keep Thee in view, and then all the springs of dependence on Thee will be sure to flow. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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