Behold thy Blessedness IN JESUS!

"Unto the pure, all things are pure; but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving, is nothing pure." -Titus 1:15 [KJV]

An union with Christ brings with it the sweet and sanctified use and enjoyment of all things. My soul, ponder, this evening, what the apostle here saith, with an eye to this, and behold thy blessedness in Jesus. Every thing which comes into the account of what may be called real good, can be so no farther than as it is found and enjoyed in Christ. Creature comforts have nothing in them of good, but what is derived from the blessedness of the covenant in them. To the pure in Christ, all things are pure. His gracious leaven in them, leaveneth the whole lump. And wherefore is it, that to them that are in a state of unrenewed nature, being defiled and unbelieving, there is nothing pure; but because there is nothing of Christ in them? They, and all they have, are under the curse; for every thing is so out of Christ. It is Jesus which must put a blessing and a relish into even the most common providences; or, instead of mercy, they will bring forth evil.  

See to it then, my soul, that Christ be the foundation of all thine enjoyments. Be very jealous over thyself, and thine own heart, when thou art most happy, that it be on Christ's account; or that when exercised with difficulties, thou still see Jesus in them, and receive them as coming from His appointment. And learn never to put a value upon any thing but on His account, and from their connection with Him. This will confirm what the apostle saith, to thy experience; "To the pure, all things are pure." For Jesus seen in all, will be enjoyed in all; and will sweeten, sanctify, bless, and render profitable all. For as there is infinitely more blessedness in the most common of our mercies, from their relationship to Jesus, and their coming from Him than we are aware of; so we ought to have the greater regard to Him, in all that we enjoy. And if we consider nothing as a blessing, but what is received in Jesus, we shall learn to set a value upon nothing but what is brought home to the heart by Jesus. 

-Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 


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