"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on Him, If ye continue in My word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." -John 8:31, 32 [KJV]

The truth is not known at first in all its sweetness, liberty, and power. We have "to continue in the word;" it maybe at times in very great darkness, distress, exercise, temptation, and trouble; and yet, such has been the power of the word upon the heart, it cannot, will not let us go. We see and feel the misery of departing from the truth, the wretchedness of getting back into the world, and being entangled in the spirit of it; and what must be the consequence if we leave those things we profess to know and believe, and embrace error or fall into the arms of sin! 

There is, therefore, a continuance in the word, it may be often, as I have said, in much darkness, much exercise, many trials, many temptations: but still we are brought to this point, never to give up the word which has been made life and spirit to the soul. And though the Lord sometimes may very much hide His face, and we seem to be very poor, dull scholars, and to be much condemned for our unfruitfulness, to know so little of the Spirit of the Master, and walk so little in His blessed ways; yet there is a looking unto Him, a longing after Him, a cleaving to Him; and this manifests genuine discipleship. Now, as we still cling, cleave, hang, trust, and hope, we begin to know the truth; it is opened up to the mind, it is made exactly suitable to our state and case; and the wonderful way in which it addresses and adapts itself to our various and pressing wants and necessities becomes more and more manifest.  

-J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)


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