Our Glorious Refiner and Purifier: Christ JESUS the LORD

"And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. And He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness." -Malachi 3:3 [KJV]

My soul, contemplate this gracious office of thy Jesus, and then see, whether He hath as graciously wrought it on thee. Jesus found our whole nature, when He came to save it, wanting refining and purifying indeed. By the operation of His holy word, and by the influences of His blessed spirit, He brings the souls of His people into the furnace of purification. By the fire of troubles, of afflictions, of persecutions, He melts down their stubborn nature there. By the Spirit of judgment, and by the Spirit of burning, He purgeth their dross, taketh away their tin, and forms all His people into vessels of mercy and sanctification; that He may at length present them unto Himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that they may be without blame before Him in love.  

And what endears Him to His people under this blessed character as their Refiner is this, that all the while the process is going on, Jesus sits by, watches over them, tempers the fire in exact proportion to what it should be, and suffers not the enemy to fan it a jot more than His love and wisdom see it fit to be. Is this the case, my soul, with thee? Are all the fiery trials thou hast gone through, regulated, kept under, and blessed, by thy Jesus, to so much good? Oh my foolish heart, how have I repined in my affliction, because I saw not Jesus's hand in the appointment, nor discerned His love carrying me through it.  

Blessed Refiner, henceforth give them spiritual eyes to see Thee. And do Thou sit in this most needful office over my soul, that as all true believers are of the royal priesthood, being sons of Levi, and made kings and priests to God and the Father, never may my soul come out of the furnace of Thy purification, until that I am enabled, by Thy grace, to offer to the Lord an offering in the blood and righteousness of Jesus, whereby alone I can find acceptance with God in grace here, and glory hereafter. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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