My Soul, Art Thou Come?

"It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto Me." -John 6:45 [KJV]

Mark, my soul, these precious words of thy Jesus. It was one of the old testament promises, that all God's children should be taught of Him. And as this condescension of God, in teaching, implied the Father, so the blessed consequence and effect of it should be, that every one thus taught proved his being a child, and inclined his heart to come to God in Christ as a Father.  

My soul, art thou come? Art thou looking to, leaning upon, trusting in, walking with, and seeking for Jesus? Is He the Lord thy righteousness, thine only righteousness, thine only hope, thine only confidence? Dost thou, like the apostle, count all things else but dung and dross to win Christ, and to be found in Him? Courage then, my soul! These are blessed tokens of thine adoption character. None but God the Father, by His Holy Spirit, could have taught thee these things. None but He, that revealed His Son in the heart of the apostle, could have been thy teacher. Thou hast both heard and learned of the Father, and in proof thereof thou art come to Christ for life and salvation.  

Fold up then this precious scripture in thy bosom for thy daily use, and examine thine interest in Christ continually, by a mark so sure and infallible. And remember what the Lord Jesus hath said, as a collateral testimony to the same blessed truth: "All that the Father giveth Me (saith Jesus) shall come to Me: and him that cometh I will in no wise cast out." 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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