LORD JESUS CHRIST - The Hope of Glory

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." -John 1:14 [KJV]

Turn aside, my soul, this day, from every vain and worldly thought, as Moses did at the bush, and behold by faith the accomplishment of what he then saw in type and figure, of this great sight which the Lord hath made known unto thee. The Word, the uncreated Word, even the eternal Son of God, taking upon Him the nature of man, and uniting both in one Person, that by the union He might be a suitable Saviour for His people. As God, He was mighty to save, and fully competent to the wonderful act. As man; He was a suitable Saviour, for the right of redemption belonged to Him. And as both, He, and He alone, could become a proper Mediator, to reconcile and bring together God and man, which by sin were at variance.  

This was the glorious news angels posted down from heaven to proclaim. This was the song of heaven, for which they sung "glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men." My soul, canst thou join in the song? Yes, if so be thou hast received Christ in those glorious characters; if, as for this divine purpose He was born in our streets, He is born in thy heart also, and formed there the hope of glory. Oh it is a blessed thing to have true scriptural views of the Lord Jesus, and so to receive Him, as Jehovah hath sent Him forth, the Christ of God. Amen. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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