The Wednesday Word

The Cities of Refuge part IV: Bezer

by D.G. Miles McKee
Again, just to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance, Israel, by the command of the Lord, established 6 cities as cities of refuge.  Any person guilty of manslaughter could flee to anyone of these places and find a refuge and a place of safety (Numbers 35:11; Joshua 20:7-8). The names of these cities tell us a great deal about Jesus.  To date we have covered three of them, Kedesh, Shechem and Hebron.  Today we encounter the fourth, a city named … Bezer.

So, let’s ask, does the name Bezer tell us anything about Jesus?  Well, yes it does.  Bezer literally means "Stronghold," or Rock.  Jesus is our stronghold, the rock on which we stand.  We may be surrounded by danger, but in Jesus we find safety.  Indeed, the Scriptures tell us that though an army encamp against us we need not fear (see Psalm 27:3).

And, what an awful force encamps against the believer!

First, there are the Daggers of Moses with their terrible threatenings and curses. That Law cries out defiantly, “Do this and live.” But we cannot. The Law finds us guilty for we can no more love the Lord with ‘all’ than can the man on the moon.  However, when believers are sheltered in the true BEZER, the Lord Jesus, we can triumphantly say to the Law, “It is finished (John 19:30). We can declare “It is God that justifies” (Romans 8:33) and by faith inquire, “Who is he that condemns it is Christ who died" (Romans 8:34).

Then there is Satan with his artful dodges and countless assaults.  He is that wicked spirit who, if he could, would make us as miserable as he is himself. But, if you have fled for refuge to our gospel Bezer, the Lord Christ, then you can boldly declare to him, The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (see Psalm 18:2). 

In addition, we learn that in the gospel the Lord Christ has thwarted the prince of darkness at Calvary (Colossians 1:13; 2:15). We say a huge Hallelujah for that.

Then there is our FLESH which wages war against us.  Our flesh with its sinful thoughts, and imaginations is a horrible enemy (Romans 7:18). 

Because of the flesh, we find we are in a war against ourselves. Because of the flesh, my worst foe is me. Because of the flesh, your worst foe is you.   

Our flesh is unchanged and unchangeable. Our flesh abhors God. May we learn to give it no place.  As believers, we can rejoice that the name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe (see Proverbs 18:10).

And then there is DEATH the ‘King of terrors and Terror of kings,’… Death is the last enemy of all.  However, if we believe the gospel, we can point our finger at death and declare, “O death, where is your sting?” In Christ, death is defeated.  We may stand in grief at the grave of a loved one who has died or been killed … but this is not the final chapter.  The end of the age will demonstrate the majesty of Jesus for the dead in Christ shall rise.  We will see His victory in its fulness at the glorious Morning of the Resurrection.

Finally, "The Lord is good, a STRONGHOLD in the day of trouble; and he knows them that trust in him” (Nahum 1:7).  

In Christ, Death has been destroyed.
In Christ, the Devil has been routed.
In Christ, the Flesh will completely disappear … at His returning.

To remind you, BEZER means “Rock” and "stronghold.” May we learn to sing to the Lord,

"Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,
My shield and hiding-place;
My never-failing treasury, fill'd
With boundless stores of grace!"

And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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