Our Everlasting, Unchanging & Faithful FRIEND

"A friend that sticketh closer than a brother." -Proverbs 18:24 [KJV]

And who is this, my soul; indeed, who can it be, but Jesus? None among the fallen race of Adam could ever redeem his brother; or, if he could, would have done it, at the expence of his own soul. But Jesus did all this, and more, when our cause was desperate, and gave Himself a ransom for His redeemed. Oh for grace to mark the features of His love. It began in eternity, it runs through all time, and continues everlasting. As Jesus is Himself, so is He in His love; the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. And how hath He shewn it? First, by engaging as our Surety; then paying all our debts; fulfilling the whole law; purchasing our persons; undertaking for our duty; nay, even to the conquering the stubbornness of our nature, and making us willing to be saved in the day of His power!  

And what is it now? Having accomplished redemption for us by His blood, He is gone to take possession of a kingdom in our name. There He still manifests "the friend that sticketh closer than a brother;" for He takes up all our causes, pleads our suits, and makes every case His own. And by and by He will come to take us to Himself, that where He is, there we may be also. In the mean time He supplies all our wants, and this with a freeness, fulness, suitableness, and all-sufficiency, that knows no bounds, to manifest the unalterable friendship which He bears us. He visits us continually, sympathises with us in all our afflictions, and increases with His tender love the enjoyment of all our comforts; and all this, and a thousand other nameless, numberless tokens, Jesus is continually shewing, as proves that His whole heart and soul is ours. So that He is a faithful, loving, constant, powerful, kind, everlasting, unchanging Friend, that sticketh closer than a brother.  

My soul, what wilt thou say to such a Friend? How wilt thou love Him? Oh precious Lord, when! think of Thy love and my ingratitude—but Lord, it is Thine to love, Thine to pity, Thine to pardon. Lord, give me grace to appropriate Thee to myself; and while Thou art still saying to me, and to Thy church, "I have called you friends,"—may I say, "This is my Friend, and this is my Beloved, O daughters of Jerusalem!" 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)


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