In Christ's Name & His Righteousness!

"In Thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in Thy righteousness shall they be exalted." -Psalm 89:16 [KJV]

See, my soul, what a blessed cause is again before thee to begin the month, and to carry it on through every day, and all the day, and in every part of the day, for joy in the name and righteousness of Jesus. And mark it with peculiar emphasis, that it is Jesus, as Jesus, the Christ of God, and His righteousness as the righteousness of God, in which all thy rejoicing is, and not in the finest frames, or spiritual exercises of thine own.  

A daily sense of a need of Christ, and as constant a sense of acting faith upon Christ; these form the foundation of every true believer's joy, and make the savour of Christ's name like ointment poured forth; And whence is it, my soul, that all the redeemed are said to rejoice in the name of the Lord all the day, but because the Lord hath saved them and redeemed them for His name's sake? And whence is it said, that in His righteousness they shall be exalted, but because from their union with Christ, as their spiritual head, they are accepted in His righteousness, and are made the righteousness of God in Him?  

Here's an exaltation indeed, enough to make the heart of the most sorrowful glad, let outward circumstances be what they may; when inward joy and peace in believing give such a blessedness to the believer's view of the name of Jesus. See to it then, my soul, that all thy fresh springs of joy are in Him. Be very jealous over thyself, in the happiest moments of thy comfort, that Christ's name, and His righteousness and salvation, lie at the bottom of thy joy. Where is Jesus? I would ask my heart, when I am most at ease and happy. Is He in this happiness? And is this happiness enjoyed, and enjoyed purely, because Christ is in it?  

Trace this, my soul, through all the parts of salvation, and through all thy paths in grace, and see whether thou art bottoming every hope and every mercy, both for time and eternity, in the name and righteousness of Jesus only: for, depend upon it, as Jehovah hath said, in the pardoning and blotting out the transgressions of His people, "I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions for My name's sake;" so it is to the everlasting praise of His name, that all the glory of salvation is, and must be ascribed. Nevertheless, He saved them for His name's sake, that He might make His mighty power to be known. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)   



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