"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors, through Him that loved us." -Romans 8:37 [KJV]

"More than conquerors?" mark that, my soul. Conquerors all the soldiers of Jesus must be, for in His strength they fight, and He has Himself subdued all our foes, even death, the last enemy, and Satan, whom the God of peace will bruise under our feet shortly. So that victory is sure. For we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, by the sword of the Spirit, and by the shield of faith, whereby we subdue all the fiery darts of the wicked. But though conquerors, how are we more than conquerors? Yes, through Him that loved us, believers absolutely conquer Him that is Himself unconquerable. For, by union with Jesus, we may be said to have power with God, and to prevail. "I will not let Thee go," said the praying Jacob, "except Thou bless me." A blessing he came for, and a blessing he would have.  

So all the praying seed of Jacob have power through the blood and righteousness of Jesus, in like manner. Hence Jesus saith to His church: "Turn away thine eyes from me, for they have overcome me." Sweet and precious thought, my soul, never lose sight of it. Through Him that loved thee, and gave Himself for thee, thou art more than conqueror: nay, thy present victories are more than the victories of the church in heaven. For they have now no more conflicts with tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword; but, by Him that loved us, we arise above the midst of them now, and while troubled on every side, we are not distressed; while perplexed, are not in despair.  

The love of Jesus is seen in these very exercises, and that in very love, and very faithfulness, the Lord causeth us to be afflicted. Hence, through Him we conquer them; nay, we are more than conquerors. We love Him that sends the affliction, because we discover His love in it; and as without that affliction, the love of our Jesus in sending it would in that instance not have been known, therefore here we have a blessed victory the church above cannot know. Precious Jesus! To Thy love, however, and Thy grace, be all the praise and all the glory; for under Thy banner of love alone it is that we are more than conquerors. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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