The Gift of God ~ Christ JESUS Himself

 "If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink, thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water." -John 4:10 [KJV]

Amidst a thousand precious things concerning Jesus, there are two views of Him which are peculiarly so, and which those words of His to the woman of Samaria bring home to the heart in the plainest and most blessed manner. The One is, who, and what, Christ is in Himself; and the other is, the Father's authority in Him, so as to give faith in Him a divine warrant to act by, when a poor sinner comes to make use of Christ. It is our ignorance in those two grand points concerning salvation, which is the sad cause of all our miseries and the little enjoyment even gracious souls, for the most part, have in Jesus. Now, my soul, do thou meditate upon both these things this morning, and from these sweet words of thy Saviour see if thou dost not prove what He so graciously saith to be true.  

First, consider who, and what Jesus is, as He is in Himself. Let thy faith have for its object of meditation, the Person, and the work of God thy Saviour. In all He wrought, in all He did, in all He accomplished, it was as the Surety of His people. And in all the fulness, by virtue of it, which is treasured up in Him; it is not for Himself, for He cannot need it, but it is for His people. So that a poor sinner is as much suited to Jesus for Him to give out of His fulness, as Jesus is suited for a poor sinner to supply his emptiness. And therefore, if we did but thus know Him, and thus come to Him, we should find that He is as earnest to receive every poor sinner, and to give out of His fulness, as that poor sinner can be to come and take. Now, my soul, when thou hast duly pondered over this, look at Jesus in the other point of view also as the gift of God. Here thou hast a warrant, an authority; nay, a command, to come to Jesus, and to make use of Him, for every want which poverty, ignorance, and sin have occasioned in the circumstances of our fallen nature.  

Christ is the one blessed ordinance of heaven; Christ is the one, and the only one, appointed way, for a poor sinner's acceptance with God. And therefore, did a poor sinner always keep in view that Christ is the gift of God; and that God is honoured, when that poor sinner honours His dear Son, by believing the record God hath given of Him; would not this make every poor sinner happy, in thus glorifying God? And therefore, my soul, look to it, that this is thy daily exercise; for then thy thirst for Jesus will not be supplied, as from a pool, which depends upon dry or wet seasons; but Jesus Himself will give thee living water: nay, Jesus will Himself be that everlasting living spring in thee, which springeth up into everlasting life. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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