Jesus' Holy Name ~ A Sweet Savor unto Life Eternal

"Because of the savour of Thy good ointments, Thy name is as ointment poured forth." -Song of Solomon 1:3 [KJV]

Why, my Lord, is Thy name so truly blessed, but because Thou hast so endeared it to Thy redeemed, by every tie which can gain the affections. Didst Thou, even before I had being, enter into suretyship engagements for me, that Thou wouldest redeem me when fallen, that Thou wouldest take my nature, live for me, die for me, become a sacrifice for me, shed Thy blood for me, wash me in Thy blood, clothe me with Thy righteousness, justify me before God and Thy Father, become my Advocate, High Priest, Intercessor, betroth me to Thyself here in grace, and everlastingly unite me to Thyself in glory hereafter? Didst Thou do all this, and art Thou still doing it, making my cause Thine own, and following me with love, and grace, and mercy, every day, and all day, and wilt never Thou leave me nor forsake me? And must not Thy name be as ointment poured forth? Can there be a savour as sweet, as fragrant, as full of odour, as the name of Jesus?  

Precious ointments, it is true, have a smell in them very grateful; but what savour can be like that which to the spiritual senses manifests Jesus in His person, love, grace, and mercy; in whom there is every thing desirable, and nothing but what is lovely; all beauty, power, wisdom, strength, an assemblage of graces more full of odour than all the spices of the east? Precious Lord Jesus, let Thy name be written in my heart, and let every thing but Jesus be for ever obliterated there, that nothing may arise from thence, but what speaks of Thee; that through life and in death, the first and the last, and all that drops from my lips, even in the separation of soul and body, Jesus may form in the close of grace here, and in the first opening of glory to follow, the One only blessed precious name, as ointment poured forth. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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