Encouragement in Christ JESUS

"Now the end of the commandment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned." -1 Timothy 1:5 [KJV]

See, my soul, what Jesus hath secured for thee by His gracious undertaking and accomplishment, and which His servant was commissioned to tell the church, was the very end of the commandment; namely, charity, or love. And this law of love is given thee, that thou mightest manifest Whose thou art, and to Whom thou dost belong; not as a rule of acceptance, for then that would be to make Thy love a covenant of works; but as a sweet testimony of Thy affection in the hand of Jesus. It is a law of love indeed, because the cords of love, by which thou art drawn, prove it to be so. Thy obedience is not from slavish fear, for then this would be bondage; but the love of Christ constrains thee. Thy love to Him makes thee long to be like Him. Thy love to Him makes His commandments not grievous but gracious. Thy love to Him makes ordinances precious, because Jesus is the whole of them.  

And thy love to Him makes all that belongs to Him dear, and in which Jesus requires thy proofs of affection; not in thy strength, as the poor Israelites were demanded to make brick without straw, but by living in thee, and working in thee, both to will and to do of His good pleasure. Here, my soul, thou truly findest strength and grace equal to thy day. The end of every commandment, as well as the beginning, is love; for it begins in Jesus, is carried on in Jesus, and ends in Jesus, and He is all love. And in Him, and by Him, the conscience, the heart, faith, all are kept pure, undefiled, and unfeigned, because love in Jesus is at the bottom; like the chariot of Solomon, paved with love. Oh thou glorious pattern of all holiness, make me like Thyself! 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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