Encouragement in Christ JESUS, The LORD our righteousness!

"As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings; so the LORD alone did lead them." -Deuteronomy 32:11-12 [KJV]

Here learn a lesson, to form some faint idea how the Lord is unceasingly engaged in taking care of His people. If thy God condescends to represent it by such a similitude, is it not both thy privilege and thy duty to mark the several particulars of such grace and tenderness? The eagle not only possesseth in common with other creatures, the greatest affection for her young, but manifests a vast superiority over every other of the winged tribe in her management of her brood. She provides for them and protects them, as other birds of the air do; but in educating them, and the method by which she shelters them from danger, here is displayed such superior wisdom and power, as far exceeds whatever we meet with in other creatures. "She stirreth up her nest:" by which we may understand, she suffers not her young eagles to lay sleeping, but calls them forth to life and exercise. She "fluttereth over them," as if to show them how they are to use their wings, and fly. And when she taketh them from the nest, this is not done like other birds, who carry their young in their talons, and in their haste or flight may drop them—or when pursued, or fired at by an enemy, may have them killed and herself not hurt; but the eagle beareth her young on her wings, so that no arrow from beneath can touch the young, until it hath first pierced through the heart of the old bird.  

What a sweet thought do these views afford; and what a blessed instruction do they bring! My soul, do they not teach thee, since the similitude is the Lord's own, that He that hath stirred up the nest of thine old nature, in which thou wast born, because He would not suffer thee to sleep there for ever in the unawakened state of sin, and hath brought thee out, and brought thee abroad, and taught thee how to fly up, in devout aspirations after Him, is the Lord? Is it not He that fed thee and sustained thee from thy youth, even until now; taught thee, and hovered over thee, and caused thee to "mount up as upon the wings of eagles; to run and not be weary; to walk, and not faint?"  

Yes, yes, blessed Jesus, it is Thou that hast indeed borne me, as Thou hast said, upon eagles' wings, and brought me to Thyself: so that I see, by this delightful comparison, that Thou wilt not suffer any of Thy little ones to perish; for "he that toucheth them, toucheth the apple of Thine eye;"—nay, while on Thy wings, he that destroyeth them, must first destroy Thee. Oh Lord, give me grace rightly to enjoy and use such marvellous blessings. And since, to the wisdom and strength of the eagle, Thou hast now added the tenderness and solicitude of the hen, do Thou, Lord, gather me under Thy wings, and nourish me with Thy love and favour, that I may be Thine for ever, and live here by faith, as hereafter I hope to live with Thee in glory. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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