The LORD JESUS be magnified for ever and ever!

 Christ crucified! Let God be praised,

Who came in flesh, a Man of days;
And in His body on the cross,
There died to save from Adam’s loss.

Christ crucified! The Woman’s Seed
Passover Lamb, His blood to plead;
His people from their sins to save,
From hell and death and from the grave.

Christ crucified!  God’s wisdom known.
His holiness and love now shown.
His mercy, truth and righteousness,
In Him now meet and sweetly kiss.

Christ crucified!  Has always been
My All before the world began.
He as my Head stood in my place,
In everlasting cov’nant grace.

Christ crucified!  The Gospel cry!
Good news for sinners such as I!
And since He made me hear and see,
This One, this work, is all my plea.

Christ crucified!  His blood applied
By God and conscience justified.
When death shall bring its ebbing tide,
My vessel this: Christ crucified!

Words by preacher Gary Shepard - 88.88
  To the tune of, "Just As I Am"


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