Teach and comfort us, O LORD

"Have ye received the Holy Ghost?" -Acts 19:2 [KJV]


My soul, ponder over the solemn question again and again, and then see what answer thou canst give to a point so infinitely interesting and important. The Holy Spirit is clearly known by the exercise of His blessed offices in every heart where He abides, and where He is the glorious inhabitant. He comes in Jesus's name as an ambassador, to propose to the sinner a rich and precious Saviour. He comes as an almighty teacher; and this condescending office He graciously exerciseth in convincing of sin, and convincing of the righteousness of Jesus. He comes as an advocate; and by His pleading the cause of a poor sinner's own necessities, and the cause of a rich Saviour's willingness and ability to supply all these necessities, He manifests Himself a most powerful advocate, when, by His constraining grace, He makes the poor sinner willing in the day of His power. He comes as an enlightener of the dark and untutored mind of the sinner. And this He doth most effectually, when, by shining in the heart, He gives "the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ."  


Most gloriously He shines upon the soul, when, by the ministry of His blessed word, and by the influences of His divine grace, He leads the mind forth to the contemplation and love of the person, blood, and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. He comes as a witness also to testify of Jesus. And this sweet office is manifested in the conscience when at any time He shews sin to be exceedingly sinful, and that nothing but the blood of Jesus can cleanse from it. And His witness in the soul is proved to the fullest demonstration, when He powerfully brings the guilty conscience under so deep a sense of sin, and so alarmingly concerned for the consequences of it, that nothing will satisfy until Jesus is revealed and brought home to the heart in all the beauties of His Person, and the fulness and suitableness of His salvation, and formed there the hope of glory. He comes also as a Comforter; and Oh how sweetly and fully doth He manifest both the power of His Godhead and the sovereignty and grace of His character, when, by His consolations, as He opens and explains them, and makes application of them as they are in Jesus, He revives the drooping spirit, relieves the depressed spirit, animateth, refresheth, sanctifieth the whole heart, and soul, and mind, and gives a joy and peace in believing, abounding in hope by the power of the Holy Ghost.  


My soul, what sayest thou now to the question? "Hast thou received the Holy Ghost?" Surely, I do know Thee, Thou gracious God the Spirit, by these sweet tokens of Thy covenant office and character. Lord, I pray Thee, be ever with me, and, agreeably to Jesus's gracious promise, abide with me for ever. Oh may I never grieve thee, by whom my soul is sealed in Jesus to the day of eternal redemption. 


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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