Remember me, O LORD

"In His favour is life." Psalm 30:5 

 Oh for grace to keep this always in view, for then, Thou dear Lord, I should never consider my dead frames, or dead feelings, since I well-know that Thou ever bearest favour and good-will towards Thy people. For if Thy providences frown, or seem to frown, do I not know that behind that aspect Thy countenance is the same, always gracious, always favourable, and that Thou art invariably pursuing the everlasting happiness of Thy people? Let it please Thee, my Lord, to grant me this morning such views of Thy favour, that I may henceforth trace it in every thing.  


Was it not this favour that first opened a source of salvation? Was it not this favour that brought me into a participation of it? Was it not this favour that begat me to the knowledge of it—that quickened me to an enjoyment of it—that opened the communication of it, by which Thy grace became imparted to my soul? And was it not the same favour that kept alive the incorruptible spark, and maintained it through all the attempts of sin, and the world, and the powers of darkness to extinguish it? Nay, blessed Jesus, what is it now but Thy favour that secures me in Thy love, and gives me all the inexpressible felicities of mercy, pardon, and peace now, and everlasting glory hereafter? And is not Thy favour, then, better than life? Is it not more precious than rubies? Can there be aught desirable like it? Truly, Lord, in Thee and Thy favour I have life, for Thou art both my light and my life; my heart trusteth in Thee, and I am helped. Remember me then, O LORD, with the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people, Oh visit me with Thy salvation. 


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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