Christ is our Ransom and our Deliverer!

 "If there be a Messenger with him, an interpreter, one among a thousand, to shew unto man his uprightness; then He is gracious unto him, and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom." -Job 33:23, 24 [KJV]


My soul, how precious are those views, in looking back upon where the first discoveries of grace were made. Moses never forgot the first visions of God at the bush; neither did Jacob outlive the remembrance of the first Bethel-visit of a God in Christ to his soul; and why should I? Hast thou not known this messenger, this interpreter, one among a 'thousand to shew unto thee' God's uprightness? Oh yes, Jesus by His Spirit hath shewn to me that my "God is righteous in all His ways, and holy in His works."  


When by the blessed discoveries which had been made to me in His word, by His ordinances, providences, judgments, mercies, like the poor creature described in this sweet scripture, when reduced to a mere skeleton, by reason of soul sickness, driven out of all resources in myself, and utterly despairing of ever seeing the face of God in glory, by any creature attempts, and by all creature righteousness, Oh then it was, thou blessed, glorious Messenger of Thine own covenant; Thou faithful interpreter of the mind and will of Jehovah; then it was I was led to see the freeness, fulness, suitableness, and all-sufficiency of a Redeemer's righteousness, and to cast my poor defenceless, naked, trembling soul upon the rich, powerful, and altogether-sufficient salvation, of Thee, my God and Saviour!  


Oh how hast Thou sweetly and mercifully explained to me the secrets of covenant mercies, the glories of Thy person, and the greatness of Thy finished work. And now at every step I take, at every portion of Thy blessed word I read, when my mind feels the remains of indwelling corruption, and all the lurkings of the enemy's suggestions within; then, then it is I hear the Father's gracious voice, "Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom." Yes, precious Jesus, Thou art my ransom, and my righteousness for ever! 


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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