This is The Way, walk ye in it!

 "Thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." -Isaiah 30:21 [KJV]

My soul, who is this Almighty Teacher, out of sight, but the Holy Ghost? And to what way doth He point but to Jesus, who is both the way, and the truth, and the life? Art thou ever at a stand? Listen to this voice. Art thou about to turn to the right or left? See how seasonably He is promised to come to direct thee. Condescend, Thou gracious, matchless Instructor, to guide me. I shall not fail then to know the wholesomeness of Thy teaching, when Thou hast opened mine eyes, to see the wondrous things of Thy law. I shall indeed know that Thou art my Director, because Thou hast said, "I the Lord teacheth thee to profit." And when Thy word comes not in word only, but in power, and in Thee, the Holy Ghost, surely I shall know it, in that it not only reaches my ear, but will influence my heart: not only will instruct and teach me in the way wherein I should go, but will incline my feet to walk in it. Yes, Thou infallible Teacher! I shall know Thee to be the Spirit of truth, by guiding me into all truth. I shall know the voice of the Spirit of Jesus, because it will prompt me to follow Jesus.  

Did I hear a voice telling me of a way of salvation in a righteousness of my own: did I sit under a teaching, which sent me to my tears, and repentance, and alms-deeds, by way of recommending me to God: did I listen to the siren song, which told me of safety in myself, and my own best endeavours, and that Christ would do the rest: or did any teach me, that I must not come to Jesus, until that, by some previous acts of soul-cleansing in prayers and fastings, I had made myself fit: in all these cases, and the like, I should know that they could not be the voice behind me. promised to direct; because it is Thy one glorious office, Thou Holy and Eternal Spirit, to testify of Jesus, and to glorify Him.  

When, therefore, I hear the voice behind me, saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it;" and when it directs me wholly to Jesus; when every thing in this divine teaching enlightens my mind in the knowledge of the person, relation, work, power, grace, righteousness, and love of the Lord Jesus Christ; and when that blessed voice bids me to come unto Him, just as I am, a poor, vile, needy, perishing sinner, to venture upon Him for life and salvation, and how to receive and improve the Lord Jesus, in His infinite suitableness to all my necessities: Oh how fully verified to my experience is this sweet promise of my God to my soul! Holy Father, cause me to hear this blessed voice, in the daily, hourly paths of my pilgrimage; and grant me the spirit of wisdom and revelation, in the knowledge of Thy dear Son. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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