The Amazing Blood of Jesus, Part II

by D. G. Miles McKee

Last time we discovered that the blood of Jesus has redeeming power. This week we read that,

2 ) The Blood of Jesus has Cleansing Power.
  1 John 1:7, ‘If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin.’

Sin is a plague … God Abhors it …but the blood cleanses it! Sin is filthy in His sight. It must be washed and removed. We must be made clean. We must have our iniquities washed away or we cannot have eternal life. This is one of the reasons that believers experience joy.  We realize that Jesus cleansed us legally at the cross. We sometimes forget that the greatest thing in all the world is to be accepted by God.  We find this acceptance only because of the ‘Finished Work’ at the cross.  All believers now enjoy the grace of full welcome in Heaven.

What a wonderful saviour Jesus is! It is through His blood that sin is cleansed … whether the sin was murder, adultery, hypocrisy, lying, thieving, slander, gossip … whatever the sin, there is power and authority in the blood to cleanse it and take it away. When the blood of Jesus cleanses us we are fully cleansed!  I don’t care what kind of life you have lived or are living.  I don’t care what depth of sin you have fallen into … if you really want to be cleansed, THERE IS POWER IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS.  No matter what your offenses, no matter how deeply rooted they are, the blood of Jesus calls out with an unmistaken voice, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.  Though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool.”

Did you know that the Blood if Jesus is the number 1 hit song in heaven?  It has been the number one top of the charts for 2000 years.  There is no song to match it.  There is no song to replace it. I wish I had the music for it, but I don´t.  However, I have the words. They are found in Revelation 1:5 and they go like this, “Unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and has made us kings and priests unto God and His Father to Him be glory and dominion for ever and every Amen.”

The only people who can sing this song are those who have believed and trusted the truth of this declaration … those who have been washed in the blood. Do you know what it is to be cleansed by the blood? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? You say, “Preacher, that’s old-fashioned talk …  we don´t talk about those things anymore.” “You don’t? Well Heaven does.” “No Preacher … We are more enlightened now; we have gone forward! ...  No, you haven’t, you have gone backwards. You are in retreat! There is no hope for any of us outside of the cleansing blood of Christ.

As Joseph Hart said,
"Lo! The Incarnate God, ascended;
Pleads the merit of His blood.
Trust on Him; venture wholly,
Let no other hope intrude.
None but Jesus, none but Jesus
Can do helpless sinners good."
We need Jesus and His cleansing blood.  One old-time preacher said it like this,
“If I had the Wisdom of Solomon,
The patience of John,
The meekness of Moses,
The strength of Samson,
The obedience of Abraham,
The compassion of Joseph,
The tears of Jeremiah,
The poetic skill of David,
The prophetic voice of Elijah,
The courage of Daniel,
The greatness of John the Baptist,
The endurance and love of Paul,
I would still need cleansing through Christ’s blood.”

And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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