The Wednesday Word

The Amazing Blood of Jesus, Part III

by D.G. Miles McKee

In Parts 1 and 2 we saw that the blood of Jesus both redeems and cleanses us. Today we want to consider that the blood of Jesus also preserves us. Do you remember the dreadful night when the death angel went across the country of Egypt killing the first born of every house? (see Exodus 12)

A woeful cry went up across the land.  The first born of every house was slain … from Pharaoh’s palace to the servant´s shack. Death had struck. But there were some houses the death angel did not enter.  Those inhabitants were protected! Why? Were they better than their neighbours? No! Were they holier?
No! Were they church goers? No! What preserved them then?

It was the blood on the lintel and the two side posts of their homes.  This was in accordance with the promise the Lord had made to the Israelites. He had given His Word saying, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Exodus 12:13). The Blood preserved the Israelites from the controlled fury and judgement of God and will do the same for the believer at the End Time Judgment. The blood of Jesus, you see, not only redeems and cleanses but it also protects us from the wrath of God. I want to finish this series by saying – the blood of Jesus has many enemies.

Preachers don’t preach about it. Christians are not thrilled with it. We are told by our critics that we have a slaughterhouse religion … This does not offend me in the slightest because Isaiah says of Jesus, “He was lead as a lamb to the slaughter.”  There is no true Christianity without the blood! But why all this blood? Why? Because the wages of sin is death. What a punishment. Who could pay such a penalty? Only Jesus … He only could pay the price of death and then live again to ensure that all for whom He died would be brought to Glory.

There was a young sceptic who confronted a gospel preacher saying, “You preachers are always going on about the load of sin and how unsaved people have to carry it … just how heavy is it? 10lb? 20lb? 40lb?  How heavy is it for I have never felt it?” The preacher was silent for a moment then with wisdom responded, “If you put a 400 lb load on a corpse would it feel the load? “No of course not” replied the young man, “The corpse is dead – It feels nothing.” Then the preacher astutely remarked “With respect sir, in much the same way, if you have never felt the load of sin, we must conclude you to be spiritually dead.  If you don’t realise you are a sinner and that your sins separate you from God, you will never know the saving power of the blood of Jesus.”

There is no other way to God than through Christ. He said with all authority, “I am the way.” He is the one who went to the cross and shed His blood.  From Him comes all our security and cleansing! May you trust Him today.  There will be good people, kind people and nice people standing before God on judgement day and expect to get into heaven, because they were good, kind and nice but they will be refused admission. Why? Because they were not washed and preserved by the blood. But never mind about them. What will the Almighty say to you? If you reject the shed blood, you reject God´s only provision. If you reject the shed blood, you reject God´s only deliverance. May we always remember that His blood is redeeming, cleansing and preserving. It is Amazing Blood!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!
NOTE: to read more Gospel messages and to make contact with preacher Miles then please go to:


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