The Hand of the LORD in appointments

"Let him alone, and let him curse; for the LORD hath bidden him. It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction; and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day." -2 Samuel 16:11, 12 [KJV]

My soul, see here a believer in his best frame. To be sure, it is not always thus with a child of God; but it were to be devoutly desired always thus to be. But while we admire the faith, let us yet more admire and adore Him, and His grace and mercy who gives it. Oh what a blessed state it is to eye the hand of the Lord in every thing. When Shimei thus cursed David, he passeth by the instrument, and recognizeth the hand of the Lord in the appointment. "Let him alone, for the Lord hath bidden him." Sin is at the bottom. The Lord doth not correct for naught. How unjust so ever on the part of man, it is both just and right on the part of God.  

And observe, moreover, the comfort he takes to himself out of it. If my God bid my enemy distress me, is it not that my Almighty Friend may more sweetly comfort me? There is not only a may be, but a certainty there shall be, in God's requiting evil with good to His people My soul, never overlook this in any, and in all of thine exercises. Behold His hand in it, be it what it may, and then thou wilt never faint under any burden. Jesus not only looks on, but He it is that permits, that appoint.  

Oh He is tender even in rebukes. By those means He makes his children more like Himself; and moreover, it is His gracious plan to extract pleasure from pain, and by impoverishing the soul in self, and in creature love, to turn curses into blessings, and convert loss into gain. Doth the enemy curse you? Doth he come out against you? Oh then depend upon it, Jesus is going to confer some special blessing upon you. Thou art to be advanced to great honour, to be made more conformable to His blessed image. Jesus is hereby giving you not only to believe in Him, but to suffer for His sake.  

Precious Lord! Grant me then this grace which Thy servant David was enabled to exercise; and when the Shimei's of the day come forth to curse, let them curse, so Thou do but bless. And Oh for sweet influences from Thee, dearest Lord! "that I may know Thee and the power of Thy resurrection, and the fellowship of Thy sufferings, being made conformable unto Thy death." 


-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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