“Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God." -Isaiah 62:3 [KJV]

It is very easy to conceive how the Lord of Hosts in the day of salvation becomes for a crown of glory and for a diadem of beauty unto His people, as a prophet hath said, Isaiah 28:5. But that the church, and every individual redeemed of the church, shall be the Lord's crown and diadem. Oh, the wonders of grace! Pause, my soul, over the sweet scripture, and take to thyself the blessedness of it. What a variety of images and similitudes thy God hath made use of to manifest how highly He prizeth His redeemed. "Yea, He loveth the people," said one of old; "all His saints are in Thy hand." He calleth them jewels, precious stones, His treasure, His chosen, His inheritance, His portion, His crown, His diadem.  

And what a thought is it for thee, my soul, to meditate upon, that though in thyself thou art nothing, yet considered in Jesus, thou art all this, and more; polished, made comely and glorious, from the comeliness put upon thee and the glory of Jesus. See then, my soul, the vast mercy in Jesus. A worthless worm made dear to God! How infinitely precious and dear should God in Christ be to thee. Let this encourage thee, then, at all times to come to Him. Thou art giving glory to thy God, when thou comest to Him, to give out of His fulness to thee. Jesus wanteth needy creatures to be glorified upon, by giving out of His abundance to their necessities; and the more He gives, the more is He glorified.  

Mark that also, for thy greater encouragement to come to Him. The more thou art blessed in His fulness, the more blessed He is in imparting it; so that while thou art His crown of glory, He is glorified in thy redemption. And while thou crownest Jesus's head, in ascribing all the glory of thy salvation unto Him, He condescends to make thee a crown of glory in His hand, as a token that thou art His, both by purchase of His blood, the gift of His Father, and the conquest of His grace. Hallelujah. 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.)



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