Renewing of The Holy Ghost each new day

 "...renewing of the Holy Ghost, which He shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour." -Titus 3:5, 6 [KJV]

Precious office of the Spirit! Condescend, great God, to grant it me this morning. Oh, renew my soul with all Thy sweet revivals, after a night of sleep, as Thou renewest the face of the earth. Oh send forth, I beseech Thee, Lord, all Thy graces, as suited to my necessities, and the Redeemer's glory, and let it be most abundantly shed abroad, through all the faculties of my soul, through Jesus Christ my Saviour. Pause, my soul, over the blessed prospect, and having now pleaded in Jesus's name for the mercy, act faith upon thy God in His promises.  

Is not every morning a renewing of the Holy Ghost? Is it not said concerning the productions of the earth, that God "sendeth forth His Spirit, and they are created, and Thou renewest the face of the earth?" See what an evidence the earth gives in this lovely season, in the fruits, and plants, and verdure all around. And are the saints of Jesus of a less sweet-smelling savour, when perfumed as they are with the everlasting odour of Jesus's never-failing righteousness?  

Do the fields, when renewed by the sun of the morning, look gay, and lovely, and after the dew or the refreshing shower, give out their odour, perfuming the air with their fragrancy; and shall not the saints of God, when the Sun of righteousness ariseth upon them, with healing in His wings, send forth all the blessed effects of that presence which revives the grace Jesus hath planted, and calls forth into exercise the faith He hath given? Shall not the showers of His love, when He comes down in them as rain upon the mown grass, and the dews of the Holy Ghost's renewings, revive all the languishing frames of the soul, and cause even the desert to blossom abundantly, and to rejoice with joy and singing? Yes, yes, Thou blessed Lord? Methinks I feel Thy sweet and gracious renewings.  

My very heart is refreshed in the thought. Under thy influence I will look up and wait the coming of Jesus. He is near. He comes. I hear Him say, "Rise up, My beloved, and come away: for lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth, the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land." 

-preacher Robert Hawker (1753-1827 A.D.) 



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