Called According to His Purpose!

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." -Romans 8:28 [KJV]

 "According to His purpose"—for He had purposed before the world was who His called ones would be, and also purposed that all things would work for their good. The doings of His grace in time, are ever the result of the purposes of His grace before the foundation of the world (Romans 8:30). "Those who are CALLED according to His purpose."

These are called to know themselves as guilty before God and deserving of eternal condemnation.

These are called to know the all-sufficiency of Christ to save.

These are called to trust in His atoning death as their only hope of salvation.

These are called out of the world. They no longer revel in the world's gaieties, or are swayed by its corrupt principles.

These are called to be followers of the despised Lord Jesus, treading in His footsteps.

This is the calling which distinguishes those who love God, and for whose good God causes all things to work together.

Yes, "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called." It is not said that they work singly or alone, but in relationship to one another—they "work together." One little thing which we cannot at all understand, or see the reason of—the Lord sees is necessary to make several other things properly work for our good. Without that one very unpleasant thing—all the rest would not be for our benefit.

We are too apt to look at things singly, and therefore our mind often becomes perplexed. A single thread is not of much importance in itself, but if left out in the weaving, the pattern in the loom would be rendered imperfect.

These "all things" are so many shuttles running to and fro, weaving the web of goodness and blessing for the children of God. The hand that throws the shuttles is the hand of Jesus. 

 In the web He weaves, no thread will be found misplaced, when the weaving is over.

Therefore let us leave all things in the hands of Jesus, who has the whole plan of the life of each believer always before Him, and who in His infinite wisdom causes all things to work together for good to them, so as to produce the best results and accomplish all His purposes of love.

Let us trust in Him at all times, even when . . . our expectations of earthly things are disappointed, or when our plans are frustrated, or when darkness surrounds our path, or when trials and affliction are our portion.

Be assured that when we have attained a keener vision and a fuller understanding than our pilgrim state affords us—we shall see that God did cause all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according to His purpose! We will then testify to the wisdom, power, and love of Him who does all things well!

-preacher Thomas Moor


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