The LORD God omnipotent Reigns on high!

 "Way back in old eternity, 

In council of the Trinity; 
To save a people God agreed, 
His saving purpose was decreed. 

O praise the Lord His Name adore, 
Give Him the glory evermore; 
By matchless, free and sovereign grace, 
Our God has saved a chosen race. 

Into this world Christ Jesus came, 
To save His people, praise His Name; 
He was the Father’s Sacrifice, 
Who fully paid our ransom price. 

O what a wondrous mystery, 
That Christ would bare iniquity; 
The Holy One who is our Head, 
Was punished in His people’s stead. 

Christ Jesus died but now He lives, 
And life to us He freely gives; 
We trust the Lord our Righteousness, 
Who cleansed us from our sinfulness. 

Soon Christ shall come to claim His own, 
And then before His great, white throne; 
All of the ransomed, holy throng, 
Shall join and sing redemption’s song." 

Tune: “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” (LM/Double) 
Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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