Sing unto the LORD JESUS; bless His holy name

 "Sing ye saints this hymn of praise,

Hallelujahs let us raise;
Bless the Lord of earth and skies,
Let our praises now arise,
Let our praises now arise.

View His great creative might,
In the morning’s matchless light;
Study providence and see
Proofs of His great majesty,
Proofs of His great majesty.

Yet a greater work appears,
What relief to all our fears!
God for sinners gave His Son,
Jesus, the Anointed One,
Jesus, the Anointed One.

Lo, He came the lost to save,
His own life He freely gave;
God was fully satisfied,
When Christ Jesus bled and died,
When Christ Jesus bled and died.

Now the Savior reigns on high,
By His grace He brings us nigh;
He our sin has washed away,
Turned our darkness into day,
Turned our darkness into day.

So this song of praise we sing,
Unto Christ our God and King;
We are filled with thankfulness,
For the LORD our Righteousness,
For the LORD our Righteousness."

-Tune to "TAKE MY LIFE" Words by preacher Jim Byrd


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