A Gospel Zeal for the Glory of Christ

"With true faith that worketh by love, there follows inseparably a true right evangelical zeal of God's glory, whereby we feeling how by our original corruption, .. we find both ourselves and all our works and best actions to be so shut up under sin {Galatians 3:22} that being truly humbled with a vile esteem of ourselves and all our best works, we do grant not with lip and tongue only {as many do,} but do feel in our hearts in deed and truth, that all our righteousness is as foul, stained and filthy rags {Isaiah 64:6}.

Whereupon our hearts are so inflamed with such an high prizing and only esteeming of the wedding garment of Christ's obedience and righteousness perfectly justifying us, and all our works; that not only every true minister of the Gospel, but also every true Christian ceases all contention about works, and is carried with a zealous affection to know nothing among God's people except Jesus Christ and Him crucified to justify them {I Corinthians 2:2} by which they are made such true burning coals of God's altar, so inflamed with this holy fire of Christ's love from heaven, that they cannot choose but inflame and kindle all others that come near them, caring for nothing but to be found ourselves, and to cause others to be found in Christ; that is, not having our own righteousness in esteem, which at the best is but man's glory before men only {Romans 4:2} but IN THE MOST PRECIOUS ROBE OF CHRIST'S RIGHTEOUSNESS."

-preacher John Eaton, 1641 A.D.


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