Flee to Christ JESUS today!

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” -Isaiah 1:18-19 [KJV]

COME to the Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t come to the Preacher, or Church, or Baptism, or some fleshly experience. COME to the Lord Jesus – COME to God by Him. COME with your heart opened to Him. COME sincere and honest with Him. He knows your very thoughts. COME NOW to Him. As you are reading this article COME to the Lord Jesus. He waits now to hear the voice of your heart, begin to speak to Him NOW. COME now and REASON with Him. Not about your goodness, but your badness; not about your obedience, but disobedience, your sins.

Tell Him your sins are exceedingly sinful, more than you could ever comprehend. Tell Him you are worthy to be judged and sent to eternal misery for your sins. Tell Him how red and black and damnable your sins are; tell Him you come TO HIM and if He wills to, He can wash you in that fountain He has opened for sin and uncleanness – the fountain of His blood. Tell Him you come because He has commanded you to come. Tell Him you have not come before now because you have lived such an ungodly rebel against Him. COME NOW and surrender your soul at His feet and don’t leave HIS PRESENCE until He has made you to see – through the eye of your understanding – that all your sins have been taken away in Jesus blood. Remember His final word: “If ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it, (Isaiah 1:20). Will you be saved by Jesus Christ NOW, or will you be judged and damned by Him hereafter? Solemn question! One which must be answered NOW!

-preacher Bruce Crabtree


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