The Traditions of men

  The Pharisees were very offended that some rag tag fishermen would follow Jesus and teach contrary to what they taught. They said to Christ, "Why do Thy disciples transgress the traditions of the elders?" (Matthew 15:2) A tradition is something that is passed down from generation to generation and with the Pharisees it was the oral law. It was not the scriptures but what they and those like them that preceded them, said about the scriptures and the rules they added to them. They could not defend their teachings from the scriptures alone so they accused the disciples of teaching contrary to "the traditions." Our merciful God spoke audibly from heaven on one occasion some very important words. "This is My beloved Son, hear ye Him..."

The Word of God supersedes all the teachings of men, especially what they teach about the Word! Christ said to these Pharisees, "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition" (Mark 7:9). They were not concerned with the glory of God or His Son who stood before them. Nor were they concerned for the truth or the spiritual welfare of the people. They were fearful that they would no longer be the authority. Men would no longer follow them and their lofty positions would diminish. They used fear to try to turn men from the teachings of Christ.  They and those like them are just the opposite of those like John who said, "He must increase and I must decrease." The "philosophy, vain deceit and tradition of men" that Paul warns of in Colossians 2:8 is what men call Gnosticism. As far as I can see from studying this error, it is characterized by two chief things: First, a denial of the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Pharisee said they took up stones to stone Him because "He made Himself to be God."

Secondly, is a claim of revelation beyond what the scriptures say, extra-biblical, even mystical revelation, above that which is plainly stated in the Word of God.  Thus the traditions of the Pharisees!  I pray for grace from God to never take the comments of men over what is said in His word.  The scriptures (not what men say about them) shall be our only rule of faith and practice!  Only God the Spirit working in us can bring us to cast aside the traditions of men and bow to what “thus saith the LORD.” What a blessing when He does so and a very liberating thing!  It is the only way to be free from the fear of man that brings a snare.  We all have such traditions and are under their bondage.  Only the Son can make us free!

-preacher Gary Shepard


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