What Happened In The Garden?
won't make much headway in finding a solution if we do not understand
the problem. A cure is not likely to be found if we have no knowledge
of the disease. In the matter of salvation the problem is man's sin;
the solution is God's grace. The disease is moral depravity and
spiritual inability; the remedy is God's mercy in Christ. If a man is
near-sighted, he only needs corrective glasses but if he is blind, he
needs the miracle of sight! If a man is sick, he only needs medicinal
aid, but if he is dead, he needs the miracle of life! If man has only
strayed from the way, he needs directions, but if he is completely
lost, he needs to be found!
Here is the question to be
settled by preachers and people 'What happened in the garden?'
When one feels obliged to come to some conclusions on the subjects of
election, irresistible grace and particular redemption, it would be
wise for him to first determine the condition of the sinner who is to
be saved. If a man was only wounded by the fall he needs assistance;
if he is dead in sins, he needs to be resurrected and that by the
purpose and power of the God of life. If fallen man still has his
moral ability and power of choice, then let us wait for him to choose
and seek God, but if he loves darkness and will not come to Christ
then Christ must love and come to him.
Henry Mahan