The Wednesday Word

 The Wonderful Cross

by D. G. Miles McKee

(see Romans 3:23-28).
“When I survey the wondrous cross,
On which the young prince of glory died;
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride.” -Watts

Christ in His death opened the way into God's presence for us.

Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!

When Jesus said, “I am the way” (John 14:6) He meant, He was and is the only way to God.  If you are looking for God anywhere else other than the Lord Jesus, you, according to the Master, are going the wrong way. To look for another way is a subtle attack on the Lord Jesus.  Why? Because Jesus is not one of many ways, He is the way! He didn’t even say His teachings led to the way. No indeed, He boldly declared “I am the way.”
‘The way’ was a particularly important idea to Israelites.
Moses had instructed them, “You shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you" (Deuteronomy 5:32-33).
Isaiah had said: "Your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, this is the way, walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21).
The Psalmist pleads, "Teach me thy way, O Lord" (Psalms 27:11). Jesus was, therefore, claiming to be the fulfillment of their instructions and desires for the way.  In Him and His cross the gates of Heaven are wide open. 
Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!

The Christ and His Cross are the Way.  At the cross we see the free grace of God. We see a sinless man dying for His people. Despite this, the critics of free grace make works not only the evidence of salvation, but salvation itself. “There is no salvation, they say, “apart from works.” Then they say, “You won’t find out whether you are justified until the Last Day when your works will be examined.”  They have a different Way than we do.
To add works to the cross is another attack on the Lord Jesus.  He has made peace by the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20). Peace was not made when we added our two cents worth.  Peace was accomplished at Calvary.  The work was and is finished.
Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!
If the Way to God is by Christ plus our works, then works are one of our mediators. But the Scripture boldly asserts that there is but one mediator between God and man … not two (1 Timothy 2:5). If our works mediate for us, then they are partly responsible for our salvation.  But the scriptures know nothing of this way.  Peace has already been made by the shed blood of Calvary plus nothing.
Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!
For a moment, let’s look at man’s contribution to the cross. When Jesus died at Calvary, it was man's hand that drove in those nails. It was man's hand that planted the crown of thorns upon His brow. It was man's hand that plunged the spear into His side. At the cross, man did his worst against heaven’s best and when man had done his very worst against God, God did His very finest for us … He saved us!
Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!
At the cross, God's righteous wrath fell on Jesus. He took it and was cursed on our behalf. Because of the cross, God can now in righteous grace save His people … apart from their contributions.  Because of the cross, the vilest sinner who believes may be saved.  We are saved by grace without our partnership.
Thank God for the Wonderful Cross!
And that’s the Gospel Truth! 


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