The Wednesday Word



Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on ME hath everlasting life." -John 6:47 [KJV]

Many believers lack peace, because, instead of looking at the object of their faith, Christ, (His doing, dying, rising again and exaltation), they are looking within themselves trying to find something to give them rest.

However, nothing within us, or that flows from us, can give peace to the guilty conscience. The object of our faith lies outside of us. Remember, we are, in and of ourselves, hopelessly ruined, guilty, and under God's just sentence of death. We are utterly helpless to remedy that condition (Isaiah 64:6).

We need some good news!  We need the gospel.

So, consider our verse. “
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on ME hath everlasting life" (John 6:47).  “Yep” you say, “I know that verse, I first read it years ago.” But listen to me, the Lord doesn’t just want us just to know this verse, He wants us to believe it.  

In this verse, there is one powerful word I want to call to your attention. It is the little word, ‘me.’ We should ask ourselves who the " me " of that verse is.

So, who is this ‘me?’

He is the true object for our faith. He is the same One who said,
“Look unto ME, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is none else " (Isaiah 45:22).

Who is this ‘me’? 

He is the eternal Word who was already in the beginning before the beginning happened
(John 1:1-2). What an object for our faith! He is the One who was with God, and who was God from all eternity.

Can we trust Him? Is He worthy of our confidence?

The “me” then of John 6:47 is the
“Word become flesh.” See Him, the little infant. Then look and see Him as the perfect man, lowly, dependent, obedient, and subject to the Father.

Look and see Him as the Man of sorrows, an outcast in the world He had made and yet at the same time. He was,
“God over all” (Romans 9:5). He was “Immanuel, God with us” (Matthew 1:18), "God manifest in flesh” (1 Timothy 3:16), “the brightness of God's glory and the express image of His person” (Hebrews 1:3). The ‘Me’ of John 6:47 is the perfectly glorious object for faith!

See Him in Gethsemane. His sweat is, as it were, great drops of blood.  See Him taking the cup of WRATH. 

The ' ME " of John 6:47 is the One we are called upon to trust.  Can you look at Him by faith, and say,
"He was wounded for my transgressions, He was bruised for my iniquities?” If you can, salvation is yours. If you see that your sins were transferred to Him, then you see that they are gone, and gone forever.

This ‘ME’ has now gone back to glory. The man of the cross is now the man of the crown. The glory of God shines in His face; there He sits the object of our faith.  From those heights of glory, He is saying,
“Look unto Me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth."

Listen to our verse again,
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on Me hath everlasting life“ (John 6: 47). Mark it well, the believer has eternal life and shall not come into judgment (John 5:24).

In conclusion we would ask, is the “me” of John 6:47 enough for you? Is the mighty work of the cross enough to speak peace to your conscience?  If you trust on Him, you are saved, and have eternal life.  Yes, thank God, He is enough for time, and He is enough for eternity!

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

--preacher Miles McKee


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