The Wednesday Word



“And, having made peace through the blood of His cross …”  -Colossians 1:20

Some years ago, a young woman lay dying of tuberculosis.  A local minister visited her, and after making inquiries about her ailing health they had the following conversation.
Minister: “At this stage, it seems there is not much hope of your recovery.”
Patient: “I am told by the doctors there is none, sir. "
Minister: “Well, then, since you are facing eternity and must meet God, I need to ask have you made your peace with Him?”
Patient: "No, sir."
Minister: “Do you not think it is time you began to do so? "
Patient: “No sir.”
Minister: “But why not?”
Patient: “Because my peace with God was made by Jesus when He died on the cross many years ago. The Bible tells me that Jesus has already made peace through the blood of His cross and I have received, by faith, what He has accomplished for me. I have peace with God and now enjoy the peace of God".
What a splendid reply! That young woman knew and believed the gospel. My dear friend, let me ask you a question, “Have you peace with God?” Peace with God is essential but it’s a peace we cannot make for ourselves. Why not? Because our sins have separated us from Him, the all-holy God (see Isaiah 59:2). 
But now for the good news. God so loves us that He came here Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and made peace upon the cross. He shed His precious blood, making full atonement for sin. He satisfied the offended and outraged justice of the Almighty so that all we who believe would now enjoy peace with God.
“Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1).

Christ has made peace! We are brought to God by His blood.
Christ has made peace! The war is over.
Christ has made peace! There no longer is a separation between us and God.
Christ has made peace! We are blessed with every good thought from Heaven through Jesus. Christ has made peace!
“Peace, what a precious sound!
Tell it the world around:
Christ has made peace!
We are brought to God
By His atoning blood,
And crowned with every good:
Christ has made peace!”
And that’s the Gospel Truth!

by preacher D.G. Miles McKee


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