The True Church

The true church of the living God consists of sinners saved by the grace of God through the Lord Jesus Christ. They are all who were chosen by the Father before the foundation of the world. They are all for whom Christ was made Surety and who are justified in Him. They are all whom Christ, as their Substitute, redeemed by His blood shed on the cross of Calvary.

They are all who are sanctified by the Holy Spirit in the new birth and brought to faith in Christ and repentance of dead works. They are all who persevere unto glory, not by their own power and goodness, but as they are sovereignly and powerfully preserved by God’s power, goodness, and grace.

All whom the Father chose, the Son died to redeem. All whom the Son redeemed, the Holy Spirit sanctifies, quickens, and calls. All whom the Holy Spirit sanctifies, quickens, and calls, will, by God’s grace and power, persevere unto glory.

-preacher Bill Parker

Eager Avenue Grace church of Albany, Georgia USA


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