The Revelation of God's Righteousness

The redeemed are not only pardoned, but justified, pronounced righteous by Him who is most just, whose judgment is according to truth. Hence the Gospel is termed the revelation of God's righteousness, with which, as we have seen, the believer is invested. We might have expected it to be termed the revelation of His mercy, but what is most astonishing, grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life.

The bestowment of mercy on fallen man also appeared incompatible with the truth of the declaration, - "The soul that sinneth it shall die;" but in virtue of the unity of Christ and His people, of the Sanctifier and them that are sanctified, He endured the curse which they had incurred; and as they had all sinned in Adam, in Christ they suffered the penalty of sin, and, consequently, are justified from all things by the God of truth.

-preacher J. A. Haldane


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