The Wednesday Word

 Questions I’d like to Ask, 

and Answers I’d Love to Receive.

D.G. Miles McKee

Each week I try to give you, my reader, some aspect or other of the gospel.  The reason for doing this is my desire to be a part of a large company of believers, worldwide, grounded and established in the Finished Work of Jesus.  Today is check-up day.  I would, therefore, like to ask you some basic, yet profound, questions and give you the kind of gospel-based answers I would love to hear. 

Here goes!

Q) Do you see yourself as being a sinner, deserving of God’s punishment, but do you also see that Jesus is your living, loving Saviour?
A) Yes, I see that outside of Christ I’m an entirely lost, ungodly sinner in the Lord’s sight.  I also see that, in myself, I am utterly helpless, lost and in need of His grace and mercy (Ephesians 2:12-13).

Q) Is there anything else you’d like to add to this answer?
A) Yes, I believe that Jesus loves me, that He gave Himself for me, and died for me on the cross, bearing my sins, and God's judgment of them (Ephesians 2:3-4).

Q) Is salvation personal for you?
A) Yes, He died for

Me, the sinner.
It’s personal!

Me, the guilty one.
It’s personal!

Me, the unjust one.
It’s personal!

Me, the helpless one.
It’s personal!

He was wounded for
my transgressions.
It’s personal!

He was bruised for
my iniquities.
It’s personal!

The chastisement of
my peace was upon Him.
It’s personal!

And with His stripes
I am healed.
It’s personal!

My sins were transferred to Jesus and they are gone forever.
In short, He died for me in particular (see Romans 5:12; Ephesians 4:18; Isaiah 53: 4-6; Galatians 2:20)).

Q) So, how many of your sins did Jesus bear on the cross?
 A) All of them (1 Peter 2:24).

Q)  Since He died, for all your sins, how many sins do you suppose He forgives you of today now that you believe in and on Him?"
A) I believe He has forgiven all my sins, every one of them.  He forgave everything at the cross. All was settled 2000 years ago at Calvary.  It is written, “In whom, we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace' (Ephesians 1:7).  So according to this scripture, in Christ, I already have forgiveness of sins.  My sins have already been punished on Christ.  My sins have already been blotted out and forgiven through Christ and His finished work. True, I confess my sins when I commit them but that is a matter of maintaining and enjoying fellowship with God. 

Q)  How do you know that Jesus died for your sins?
A) Because He rose from the dead (Romans 4:25).

Q) Do you have eternal life?
A) Yes, Jesus gave it to me (John 10:28). Also, John 6:47 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believes on Me has everlasting life.”

Q) Where is the Lord Jesus now?
A) He is risen from the dead and is now in Glory. He is the enthroned One (Hebrews 10:12).  The man of Gethsemane, the man of Calvary, the man of the tomb, is now risen from the dead, and has gone to Heaven from where He now rules with cosmic authority and from where He will one day soon return (Revelation 1:7).

And that’s the Gospel Truth!


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