The Wednesday Word


A Little to a Lot

by D. G. Miles McKee

The Lord can do a lot with a little. Just consider how in John 6:1-14 the Lord was given a little food (
5 loaves and 2 fish) and turned it into a feast.  Little was placed in hands of the Lord and He made it a lot.  Isn’t that just like Jesus?

I recently read of how an evangelist was ministering many years ago in the Lake District of England.  There he met an 80-year-old lady who told him how her shop had come into being. It all started in her Sunday school class when, one day, one of her young students came to her after class with a request. He held up a shining sixpence and said, “Please, Mrs. Cameron, will you give this sixpence to Jesus?” Startled, she almost told the child she couldn’t do that, but upon her shoulder she felt the restraining hand of the Lord who seemed to direct her, “Take it.” “Alright,” Mrs. Cameron told the boy, “I’ll give it to Jesus.” That night she held up the sixpence and prayed, “Lord Jesus, this is your sixpence. What do you want me to do with it?”

The next morning, she took the sixpence and bought currants and self-rising flour and made some buns. She put them in the front window of her cottage on two plates, and within half an hour, they had all sold. With the money, she made more buns, and sold them. She continued making buns, selling buns, making buns and selling buns. After a time, she went down to the grocer. “Mr. Smith,” she asked, “would you have any damaged tins of beans, fruit, anything that you would sell to me at a reduced price?” “Why yes, Mrs. Cameron, I would.” So now in the front room window of her cottage she was selling, along with her buns, tins which were dented or had missing labels. This went on for a while, and then she thought, “Why not sell Bibles?” Soon she was selling buns, beans, and Bibles. She made so much money, she decided to remove her front window and to install a shop window. Then she began a line of Christian books. She was truly in business now, selling buns, beans, Bibles and books. Her sales continued to increase. Mrs. Cameron led the evangelist into her shop. “I want to show you something,” she said as she opened a ledger book. Turning the pages over, she pointed to listing after listing: George Mueller’s orphanage £125 (a considerable sum in those days)
£150, China Inland Mission … £200, Congo Evangelistic Mission.  Page after page recorded money she had sent out across the world ministering to countless missionary organizations and orphanages … and it all began with a little boy’s sixpence.

It wasn’t so important what the boy had, but where he put it. He put it into the hands of Jesus.

Jesus is the Lord of multiplication and abundance. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). He is supernatural.  The amazing thing is that He uses what we have to accomplish His purposes.  What we have is what Christ uses. “But”, says someone, “I have so little faith.” That´s OK, just use what faith you have in His service and you will be amazed as to how the Lord Jesus works.

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

Note: please find enclosed a link to audio Gospel sermons and Contact Information for preacher Miles -


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