Word says, "Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and
whose hope the LORD is"
(Jeremiah 17:7). I recently saw a sign outside a religious
organization that read - "Jesus Believes In You." When I
read this sign, the following verse came to mind - "Behold,
He putteth no trust in His saints; yea, the heavens are not clean in
His sight" (Job
15:15). Man by nature in an unregenerate state always thinks
more highly of himself that he is. He considers himself to be of
great value to the Lord. He will even consider himself as someone in
whom God believes and trusts, but this is not so. In ourselves we are
worthless sinners who deserve eternal damnation. Why, then, would God
give His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is infinitely valuable in
Himself, to die for such worthless sinners?
It is true
that God sent His only-begotten, beloved Son to die for the sins of
His elect. The value of the sacrifice, the precious blood of Christ,
was not due to any inherent value within us who are sinners, but in
the value of God Himself and His glory in the salvation of worthless
sinners in and by the Lord Jesus Christ. In the salvation of sinners,
value and worth is not and cannot be measured by God believing in us
but only in our believing in God and believing God as He reveals HIS
value and worth in Christ. The Bible never says, "blessed is the
man in whom God trusts." It does say in many verses, "Blessed
are all they that put their TRUST IN HIM."
Bill Parker