God saves such sinners “freely (without a cause) by His grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:24). There is no cause in any man, any sinner, which could ever move God to save him. There is absolutely nothing which natural, sinful men and women could do or refrain from doing which would cause God to save them. God saves sinners “without a cause:” that is, without reference to anything in them or done by them. God loves and saves sinners freely! Think of it: God saves “without a cause,” those who naturally hate Him “without a cause.” What a change His almighty grace makes in them! What amazing love and grace!

WHAT GOOD NEWS FOR SINNERS! Since God saves sinners without any cause in them, then there is hope for me! There is hope for you! There is hope for any and all sinners! He came into this sinful world on purpose, not to call the righteous (those who think themselves to be righteous), but sinners
to repentance – and that is me! What about you? Are you a sinner before God? Do you need Christ and life? Then look to Him in faith. Believe Him. Trust Him. God saves sinners freely! “Without any cause in them.”



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