The Wednesday Word


Justified from All Things

by D.G. Miles Mckee

“Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses." -Acts 13: 38-39 [KJV]

JUSTIFIED FROM ALL THINGS … what does that mean? That means the believer is perfectly cleared from the guilt of every sin. No charge can be brought against them for when the believer was justified, he was declared righteous, according to the just judgment of God.

The law of Moses could never justify us … it could only condemn. But because of the gospel, God now justifies the ungodly. But how can this possible? Is it because of works of righteousness which we have done? Never! It is “through this man,” the Lord Jesus Christ, whom Paul preached as having died and risen again.

In Romans 4, God justifies. Whom does He justify? The ungodly that work not. Is there anyone else? Yes, He justifies those that believe (rest) on Jesus. The way to be saved is, therefore, not by good works, Not by becoming good, Not by deserving it. If that were the case, salvation would be not grace but debt (Romans 4:4). The way to be saved is by believing in Jesus without any confidence in our goodness or works. This is what Scripture calls grace not debt (Romans 4:5).

Horatius Bonar tells us “The justifying work of Calvary was God's way … of securing certainty. It was the only perfect thing which had ever been presented to God in man's behalf; and so peculiar was this perfection, that it might be used by man in his transactions with God as if it were his own.”
There are three ways in which we are declared justified in the book of Romans …

  1. Justified by His grace (Romans 3:24)

  2. Justified by His blood (Romans 5:9)

  3. Justified by faith (Romans 5:1)

    Justified by His grace, ..that is the source of it; justified by His blood, that is the righteous basis of it; justified by faith, that is the way in which we get a hold of it; faith is the hand that is stretched out to freely receive.
    May we never forget that Justification is through this man, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    And that’s the Gospel Truth!

NOTE: Please find link enclosed to audio Gospel sermons and contact information for preacher Miles Mckee


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