God's Work of Salvation

"And stablish you in every good word and work." -II Thessalonians 2:17 [KJV]

The living family of God need to be established in the truth, so as not ever to be "children tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine." It is not sufficient for a building to be reared: it must be established before we can know whether it will stand. The most anxious moment of the builder is to see how it will settle; how the walls will bear the roof, and every part stand firm and good without bulging or slipping. When the centering is taken away from a newly-built arch, how the architect looks to see whether it will settle well and the extent of the drop, if there be any.  

So in grace. It is not merely making a profession that will serve. Many a building stands well as long as the scaffolding remains; many an arch looks firm whilst the centering supports it. So many seem to stand well in early days, when upheld by zeal and earnestness, or strengthened by the support of others. But how will the soul stand when helps are removed? Will it be stablished in the faith, or fall into some error or some gross evil, and thus, like an arch badly built, drop into ruin when the centering is taken away.  

How we continually see those who once seemed firm in the truth now greedily drinking down some deadly error presented to their lips under the charm of a plausible novelty; and others fall headlong into some open sin, or get entangled in some delusion. O that the Lord would stablish you, me, and all who desire to fear His name firmly and deeply in His precious truth, that we may never fall a prey to evil or error, but may have a religion of His own maintaining; that the work upon our heart may be the genuine work of God first and last; a building of His own raising and His own establishing, that it may stand firm amidst the storms of time, and endure for all eternity! 

-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.) 



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