The Infinite Wisdom of Almighty God

"What man is he that feareth the LORD? him shall He teach in the way that He shall choose." -PSALM 25:12 [KJV]

In all the multiplicity and variety of circumstances that have distressed the children of God, has the Lord ever taken a wrong step? Though He has baffled nature, though He has disconcerted reason, though He has turned our plans upside down, though perhaps He has done the thing that we most feared, and thwarted every natural purpose and inclination of our heart— can we say that He has erred? that He has made a mistake? that He has acted unwisely? that He has not done that which is for our spiritual good?

Murmuring, rebellious, unbelieving heart, hold thy peace! Shall man, foolish man, a worm of the earth, a creature of a day, lift up his puny voice and say, that God can mistake? Your path is very dark, very intricate, very perplexed; you cannot see the hand of God in the trial that is now resting upon you; you cannot believe that it will work together for your good. I admit it. I have felt it. I have known it. But the time will come, when this dark path in which you are now walking, shall be seen full of radiancy and light, when you will prove the truth of these words, "He brought the blind by a way that they knew not."

When we know God to be infinitely wise, that He cannot err, that all His dealings must be stamped with His own eternal wisdom, we are silenced, we hold our peace, we have nothing to say, we are where Aaron was. When Nadab and Abihu were smitten by the Lord, Aaron knew that God could not err; he held his peace [LEVITICUS 10:3]. This is our right spot. If we know anything of the folly of the creature—if we know anything of the wisdom of God—this is our spot. When our dear Nadabs and Abihus are smitten before our face, our spot is to hold our peace, to put our mouth in the dust; for God is still accomplishing His object, in the face, and in spite of nature, sense, and reason.


-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)



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