Psalm 32 declares the blessedness of the man whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered. This good news is unfolded for us in Romans 3 where we see how God can be just, and yet the justifier of the person who believes in Jesus. In the cross of Christ, we learn the wonderful story of how God cancels our debt of sin, and yet acts in full consistency with His own character and righteousness.

Do you know the blessedness of transgression forgiven, and sins covered? Many years ago, in England, way before the times of government health care, in a fishing village there lived a fisherman man with his wife and family. One day, while out shooting, he met with a serious gun accident, which deprived him of the means of gaining a living for them. As a result, the family was thrown into abject poverty and despair. The wife in her distress went to a wealthy gentleman who lived nearby, to ask him if he could help them. He listened to her sad story, and then asked her the unexpected question, “Do you owe money to anyone?” She replied, “Yes, sir, I owe a bill to the butcher.” So, he went with her to the butcher, asked for the bill and paid it in full.

The wealthy man then asked if there was anyone else to whom she was indebted; she replied that there were also bills owing to the baker and grocer. Having paid them likewise, the man again asked if there was any one else to whom she owed money; she replied,  “No, sir, that is all I owe;” then handing her the receipts he said,  “Now, my good woman, take these receipts and go home.” Obviously, she was delighted and departed, thrilled that the debts were paid.

This is like a picture of the good news …  except it’s not the full story. It’s similar in that she
knew she was in debt. She asked for help. She got help. Her debt was paid by someone else. She received the testimony that the debts were paid (the receipts) and she went away happy, content that her debt had been paid in full.

Can you identify with her? Have you admitted your debt of sin? Have you asked the Lord for His help and mercy? Have you, by faith, received the finished work of the Lord Jesus? Are you satisfied that your redemption has been accomplished?

Perhaps, you say, “I’m a Christian, but I don’t feel my debts are paid. I don’t feel that my sins are washed away.” But wait a minute … just as the fact of the debt being paid did not rest in the woman's feelings, so it is with our sins. Whether we feel it or not, our (the believers) sins have been paid for.

Do you need assurance that your sins are paid for, then turn to God's Word and there read for yourself,
“…through this Man (Jesus) is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: and by Him all that believe (not feel) are justified from all things..” [Acts 13:38]. Again, “Their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” [Hebrews 10:17].

But the benefits of the gospel do not end with our debts being paid. The gospel brings us not only “OUT OF “but also “INTO.” We are brought out of debt, ruin, sin, and bondage; into, acquittal, nearness to God and liberty.

Let me finish my story. After the woman had gone home, the rich man returned to the shops, and asked if they knew where the lady lived. On finding out, he asked the merchants to send her meat, groceries and bread each week.

This is a picture of the heart of God. He not only meets us in our ruin, He provides salvation for time and eternity. He goes much farther that the rich gentleman for He adopts us into His family forever
[see John 1:12-13; Galatians 4:4-5; Romans 8:14-17; Ephesians 1:5; 1 John 3:1]. That’s salvation.

And that’s the Gospel Truth!

-preacher D. G. Miles McKee


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