Jesus Christ is a Threefold King!

First, His enemies’ King; Secondly, His saints’ King; Thirdly, His Father’s King.

First, Christ is His enemies’ King, that is—He is King over His enemies. Christ is a King above all kings. What are all the mighty men, the great, the honorable men of the earth, as compared to Jesus Christ? They are but like a little bubble in the water; for if all the nations in comparison to God be but as the drop of the bucket, or the dust of the balance, as the prophet speaks in Isaiah 40:15, how little then must be the kings of the earth! Nay, beloved, Christ Jesus is not only higher than kings—but He is higher than the angels; yes, He is the head of angels, and, therefore, all the angels in heaven are commanded to worship him [Colossians 2:12, Hebrews 1:6]. He is King over all kingdoms, over all nations, over all governments, over all powers, over all people [Daniel 7:14]. The very heathen are given to Christ, and the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession [Psalm 2:8].

Secondly, Jesus Christ is His saints’ King. He is King of the bad, and of the good; but as for the wicked, He rules over them by His power and might; but the saints, He rules in them by His Spirit and graces. Oh! this is Christ’s spiritual kingdom, and here He rules in the hearts of His  people, here He rules over their consciences, over their wills, over their affections, over their judgments and understandings, and nobody has anything to do here but Christ. Christ is not only the King of nations—but the King of saints; the one He rules over, the other He rules in.

Thirdly, Jesus Christ is His Father’s King too, and so His Father calls Him: “I have set MY King upon My holy hill of Zion.” Well may He be our King, when He is God’s King. But you may say, how is Christ the Father’s King? Because He rules for His Father! There is a twofold kingdom of God committed to Jesus Christ; first, a spiritual kingdom, by which He rules in the hearts of His people, and so is King of saints; and, secondly, a providential kingdom, by which He rules the affairs of this world, and so He is King of nations.

-excerpt from “Christ’s Famous Titles” by preacher Wm. Dyer (1665 A.D.)


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