Given in the behalf of Christ!

"Who by Him do believe in God, that raised Him up from the dead, and gave Him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God." -I PETER 1:21 [KJV]

Observe the special mark which is here given of those for whom Christ was manifested. It is said of them that "by Him they believe in God." If this be their distinctive mark, we may well inquire what is intended by it. It must surely be a very great thing to believe in God with a faith that brings salvation with it. It is easy to believe that there is a God in nature, or a God in providence, or a God in grace, according to the mere letter of the word, and this is what thousands do who have no manifested interest in redeeming love and atoning blood. In fact, it is the great delusion of the day, the religion of that religious multitude who know neither God nor themselves, neither law nor gospel, neither sin nor salvation. All this is a believing about God, or a believing of God, such as that He exists, or that He is such a God as the Scriptures represent Him to be; but this is a very different thing from believing in God.

This is a special and peculiar faith, and implies a spiritual and saving knowledge of God, such as our Lord speaks of [JOHN 17:3]; and as none can thus know Him unto eternal life but from some discovery of Himself, some personal manifestation of His presence, some coming nigh of Himself in the power of His word and the operations of His grace, so none can believe in Him without a faith of divine operation. To believe, therefore, in God is not an act of the natural mind, but it is the gift and work of God, bestowed upon us through the mediation of Christ, and therefore, as the Apostle says, "given in the behalf of Christ" [PHILIPPIANS 1:29].

-preacher J.C. Philpot (1802-1869 A.D.)



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